E’ inevitabile a New York, salire in alto e lasciare vagare lo sguardo fino a dove la città sbiadisce dall’Hudson all’East River e poi nell’Upper Bay.
Aghi, puntati verso il cielo da una metropoli squadrata, scandiscono il tempo del mondo.
It is inevitable in New York to climb high and let your gaze wander to where the city fades from Hudson to East River and into Upper Bay.
Needles, pointed towards the sky, from a square metropolis mark the time of the world.
Aghi, puntati verso il cielo da una metropoli squadrata, scandiscono il tempo del mondo.
It is inevitable in New York to climb high and let your gaze wander to where the city fades from Hudson to East River and into Upper Bay.
Needles, pointed towards the sky, from a square metropolis mark the time of the world.